Cadence fueling services handle all aspects of fueling logistics for a wide range of applications, including emergencies, turnarounds, maintenance, construction, and backup power systems. Their expertise goes far beyond simply filling a tank.
Fueling your needs, anytime, anywhere! At Cadence, we recognize that fueling logistics can be a significant challenge, especially during emergencies, turnarounds, or construction projects. That’s why we’re here to relieve you of that burden. Our fueling services extend far beyond simply filling your tank – we’re your dependable partner in ensuring smooth operations and uninterrupted power supply.
Whether you need fuel for backup power systems, maintenance tasks, or any other application, we’ve got you covered. With our expertise and extensive network, we’ll deliver the fuel you need precisely when and where you need it. Say goodbye to fuel shortages and logistical headaches. Let us handle it, so you can focus on what you do best.
Cadence Fueling Services are designed to meet your business needs with industry-specific solutions, including:
- 24/7/365 live dispatch
- A specialized fleet of trucks and equipment
- On-hand fuel storage to ensure availability during emergencies
Our Specialized Equipment for Your Every Need:
Computer-equipped fueling vehicles
Application-specific Fleet Sizes:
- Bobtail and transports for large volume usage (1,200-8,400 gallons)
- Mini-bobtail tankers for high maneuverability (1,200 gallons)
- Pickup tankers for all-access capabilities (350-gallon capacity)
- Fuel mules for tight, hard-to-reach spaces
Please note that fueling services may not be available in all markets. Contact a Cadence representative near you for more information.
We Offer:
- Maintenance Fueling
- Turnarounds
- Fleet and Equipment Fueling
- Fuel Tank Cleaning and Maintenance
- Emergency Services
- Generators
- Railroad and Marine Fueling
- Comprehensive Usage Reporting