One of society’s oldest and most reliable transportation methods, the railroad, necessitates continuous upkeep and maintenance to ensure efficient and effective operation.

Ensuring the smooth functioning of railroad operations is critical to avoid cargo delays. Partnering with Cadence Petroleum helps maintain operational efficiency, crucial in an industry that covers over 140,000 miles of tracks in the US alone.
Compliance is key in the railroad industry. Cadence offers a diverse portfolio of products, exceeding stringent Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) regulations. Our range of products, including motor oils, hydraulic fluids, lubricants, greases, and fuel, ensures both superior performance and compliance.
Components like rail switches, fasteners, ties, and more, face regular wear and environmental challenges during operations. 
Our products counter these challenges, offering extended fluid life, temperature stability, and rust protection. Crafted to function in extreme conditions, our solutions promise longevity and efficiency.
Choose Cadence Petroleum for seamless railroad operations. Explore the vast scope of our impact through 
our solutions.



One of society’s oldest and most reliable transportation methods, the railroad, necessitates continuous upkeep and maintenance to ensure efficient and effective operation.